Thursday, July 17, 2008

Portfolio Outtakes

Choosing photos for a final RCC portfolio is more difficult than one might think. It's all too easy to second guess and third guess and listen to other people and change your mind and change your mind again and then find some old photos that might be better etc. etc. Here are some shots that didn't make it to the final selection and haven't appeared here before. Felt like they deserved to see the light of day. Perhaps I'm just emotionally attached, it's true.


20/20 Vision said...

The photo Harvey is an all time classic on of my favorties, I hope all is well with you guys. Graduation is around the corner it seems it was like yesterday that we were just sitting in the LRC taking fundamentals of photo, but anyway I sit back and realize like @#$% can't believe we've made through the program. everyone should keep in touch when they can or keep their blogs active. I want to see photos of Italy when you go again.

Jessey Dearing said...

DE BERRY! I always enjoy seeing the updates. If these are your out-takes, I look forward to seeing the final portfolio. I like the backyard image and the rabbit sniffer and of course Harvey and I can't leave out Baffi and the fleeing penguin. You do great things with that light capturing device.

Heather said...

Beautiful! I really like the soldier with the plume of smoke. Can't wait for you to show me your final portfolio!

Missing you at 713...